This is where you can find all the frequently asked questions on penile curvature, penile deviation, bent penis or a curved penis, including questions and answers on penile curvature surgery. Questions on penile curvature are answered by the penile curvature expert; Prof.Shaeer.
Professor Shaeer has been treating cases of penile curvature for over 25 years, and is the Professor and trainer in penile deviation surgery at the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.
Here are the frequently asked questions on penile curvature / penile deviation:
Penile curvature or penile deviation is when the penis is bent or the penis is deviated in the erect state. A curved penis in the flaccid state is not penile curvature.
Penile curvature or penile deviation is when the penis is bent or the penis is deviated in the erect state. A curved penis in the flaccid state is not penile curvature.
A penis is bent (penile curvature) due to either congenital curvature which is a birth defect, or acquired curvatue when the penis was originally straight but then became curved. Congenital penile curvature is caused by an asymmetrical overgrowth of the penis, mostly genetic. It may also be part of hypospadias or epispadias which is when the urethral opening is not at the tip of the penis but on the upper or lower surface. Acquired curvature is mostly due to Peyronie’s disease, less commonly due to penile fracture, surgery, or intracavernous injections of erection medications.
Peyronie’s disease is a medical condition when the elastic internal tissues of the penis become hard in one or more places ( Peyronie’s plaques ) leading to penile curvature.
Only if penile curvature is more than certain degrees does it require correction. For example, a penis that is curved down more than 30 degrees may require correction, and so is a penis bent upwards more than 40 degrees, or a penis curved to the right or to the left more than 15 degrees.
No, nothing scientifically proven.
No, nothing scientifically proven.
Medication can help with early cases of acquired Peyronie’s curvature, but neither with late cases or with congenital penile curvature. Treatment of penile curvature is mainly surgical.
Vitamin E
Interferon injection in Peyronie’s plaques
Verapamil injection in Peyronie’s plaques
Collagenase injection in Peyronie’s plaques ( Xiaflex )
This is controversial. We do not believe so.
1. Shortening techniques correct penile curvature by pulling on the longer side, correcting penile deviation but with variable degrees of shortening. Examples are Nesbit procedure, 16 dot technique or Double-8 technique
2. Shaeer’s Corporal Rotation corrects congenital downward penile deviation with no or minimal shortening.
3. Peyronie’s plaque incision and grafting or Peyronie’s plaque excision and grafting
remove the Peyronie’s plaque and apply a graft to bridge the gap. A penile implant my be implanted in the same session in case there is impotence, restoring erection
4. Shaeer’s Punch technique
removes Peyronie’s plaque easily with no effect on penile sensitivity, with simultaneous implantation of a penile prosthesis to restore hardness, in cases with severely bent penis and erectile dysfunction ( ED ).
Penile curvature surgery is not Difficult at all, in expert hands. It is a one-day surgery. Patient can leave the hospital the same day
You think you may have a curved penis and not sure where to start from?
In case one wonders whether or not he has penile curvature, and whether or not the bend in the penis would require medical or surgical intervention, Professor Shaeer will be happy to provide a provisional opinion:
Make a photo in the erect state showing the curved penis. Make sure the penis is fully erect and that the photo shows the curvature clearly. Include a brief medical history, and whether or not you think have ED (erectile dysfunction). Send everything to Prof.Shaeer by Email. The attached photo should be of good resolution but still less than 3 MB in size.
There is also the free online penile curvature wizard developed by Prof.Osama Shaeer. This online wizard gives you pictures to match your penile curvature with, asks you the relevant question, and gives you a provisional verdict on your case. It then displays the recommended options for treating the curved penis, in full detail.
Read more: Cost of penile implant in Egypt
Professor Shaeer operates both in Cairo, Egypt as well as in Sarajevo, Bosnia in Europe. Both cities are superb touristic destinations and quite safe. Out team will be happy to give advise on travel plans.
The needed length of stay is 3 days: one for the initial consultation, another for surgery, and one can travel by air the following day.
Following surgery for correction of penile curvature, it is advised that one abstains from sex for a minimum of three month. Some mild to moderate pain is normal through this period. The final results of penile curvature surgery can be seen after this period, when full erection resumes, since the fully straight penis requires full erection.
The skin incision for Corporal Rotation Surgery or for 16-dot technique or Peyronie’s plaque surgery is a short incision. The skin sutures are auto-absorbed, therefore do not require medical assistance for suture removal. The fade spontaneously.
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